Make a Fire Using Chewing Gum and a Battery

What would you do if you were caught in the middle of an emergency situation and you didn’t have fire? Most people would suffer and although it might not be the end, it could feel like it at times.

The fact of the matter is, if you find yourself in such a situation is not likely you are going to have some matches laying around. If you didn’t happen to pack them in your bug-out bag, you are going to be looking for something to fill the gap.

There is an option available and it is something that most of us can take advantage of. In fact, all you need is a piece of chewing gum and a battery. It really is that simple, and here’s how to do it.

First of all, unwrap the chewing gum and keep the foil wrapper. It has to be a foil wrapper that you cut down into smaller strips and then cut out the middle of the strip so that it is skinny.

The aluminum in the chewing gum wrapper is going to conduct the electricity from one side of the battery to another. It’s what makes it possible for you to start a fire even if you don’t have matches.

This is where things get a little bit tricky. As you can imagine, if you are able to start fire with a piece of chewing gum wrapper, is obviously going to be very hot. The last thing you would want to do is to hold it on the end of the battery with your fingers.

To be safe, you can use tape for one side and then hold the other side with a stick or something that would keep you from burning your fingers. Otherwise, you will have to find a pair of gloves and wear them to keep the heat off of your hands.

Now that you have your foil wrapper and your AA battery, touch each side of the battery with the foil wrapper. It will start to smoke in the middle where the paper was cut thin. Eventually, it will catch fire.

You need to be prepared in advance to take the fire from the paper and catch some type of kindling, such as hair, on fire. The wrapper itself is going to burn out very quickly so you need to act fast if you want to have a bigger fire.

This is just one of the tips you should keep in mind in the event of a survival scenario. This isn’t just a neat trick, it’s something that could save your life.

Watch more in this video: